Committee Roles and Resposibilities

This page is currently under construction and will be updated over time.

The CSAA Target Tournament Organiser is responsible for the two main annual tournaments;

  • The CSSC National Indoor Championships (currently a Portsmouth Round) held at RAF Cranwell sometime in March.
  • The CSSC National Outdoor Championships (currently York and Hereford rounds) held in early September.

Specific Tasks

  • Maintain up-to-date Indoor and Outdoor Championship pages on the CSAA website (in consultation with the CSAA Webmistress).
  • Liaise with a contact at the ‘hosting’ club or Association for each tournament and make the necessary arrangements for the equipment, facilities, and field layout for the specific shoot, as well providing costings to the CSAA Treasurer.
  • Create the necessary entry form, target lists, results sheet etc etc and provide an excel spreadsheet for final scores. A template is available.
  • Liaise with Archery GB to ensure that the National Outdoor Championships is ‘Record and Rose Award Status’.
  • Provide CSSC HQ with the entry details and a Risk Assessment for advertisement on their website.
  • Ensure that the relevant awards are ordered from suppliers in good time and that invoices are provided to the CSAA Treasurer for payment.
  • Provide a list of entrants to the CSAA Membership Secretary for them to check their membership status.
  • Maintain an accurate and up-to-date list of trophy holders, with contact details, for each tournament. The Tournament Organiser is also responsible for contacting them prior to the tournament reminding them to return the awards in good time.
  • It is the responsibility of the Tournament Organiser to find a venue for the annual Outdoor Championships. A list of previous venues is available.
  • As the main point of contact for the two main CSSC shoots the Target Tournament Organiser must be flexible and willing to deal with any issues that arise that involve or relate to them.


  • The Target Tournament Organiser is a CSAA Committee post, although attendance at Committee meetings is not a requirement, and is entitled to the reimbursement of all ‘reasonable expenses’, including accommodation, travel and subsistence when attending the events.
  • As Target Tournament Organiser the entry fees are waived as attendance is required at both shoots.
  • As a recognised ‘CSSC Volunteer’ CSSC HQ provides branded ‘goodies’ depending on stock levels and availability.

The CSAA Team Manager is responsible for organising the following annual Representative Matches on behalf of CSSC;

  1. The Outdoor Representative Match against the Royal Toxophilite Society which is held annually at their ground in Slough sometime in June.
  2. The Outdoor 3-way Departmental Representative Match against the BPAA and the RAFAA which is held annually at RAF Cranwell sometime in either August or September.
  3. The Indoor 3-way Departmental Representative Match against the BPAA and RAFAA which is held annually at RAF Cranwell during the CSSC annual Indoor Championships sometime in March.

Specific Tasks

  • Be responsible for maintaining an updated ‘Team Selection Policy’ which should be widely available to all CSAA members.
  • Maintain an up-to-date ‘Representative Match’ page on the CSAA website (in consultation with the CSAA Webmistress).
  • Liaison with representatives of the RAFAA, BPAA and the Royal Tox over the date, timings, awards and format of the ‘Representative Matches’ as well as notifying them of those CSSC members selected to shoot.
  • Be responsible for team selection and, through liaison with the CSAA Treasurer, be responsible for ensuring that all those selected for the team receive the relevant information about each shoot, including that pertaining to entitlement to accommodation and T&S whilst attending the shoot.
  • Maintain an accurate and up-to-date list of CSAA members who have been awarded ‘colours’ and ‘super colours’ and notifying the CSAA Chairman of those who should be awarded them. A duplicate copy of this is held as part of the ‘CSAA Honours Book’ which should be updated at periodic intervals.
  • Ensuring an adequate supply of medals, ‘colours’ and ‘super colours, and arranging, in conjunction with the CSAA Treasurer, for the restocking of such items with suppliers.
  • As the main point of contact for ‘Representative Matches’ the Team Manager must be flexible and willing to deal with any issues that arise that involve or relate to them.


  • The Team Manager is a CSAA Committee post, although attendance at Committee meetings is not a requirement, and is entitled to the reimbursement of all ‘reasonable expenses’, including accommodation, travel and subsistence when attending the events.
  • As a recognised ‘CSSC Volunteer’ CSSC HQ provides branded ‘goodies’ depending on stock levels and availability.

These currently include organising:
The Winter Cup
The Winter Goblet
The Clout Competition
The CSSC Games
Organising the Regional Organisers
plus of course helping each other out when needed.


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